r look like a cat. What brand do I mean? I mean KIA. These cars in their range have typically city cars with a small engine ending with powerful cars of large dimensions. Parts for cars from this brand are also not expensive. In its class, this car is one of the best equipped at a very attractive price. If we had KIA cars compared to US cars - the difference would be quite significant. First of all, American cars have a specific appearance. At first glance, this car was not created for Europeans. Usually such cars are immediately striking. Another thing is parts for cars from the US - they are quite expensive - due to customs and other taxes that we have to pay at the border. So maybe you should decide to buy something more European?
The profession of car mechanic is not so
It is widely known that motoring fans are not only men. Increasingly, ladies are also interested in cars, looking for work in car dealerships and even in workshops. The profession of a car mechanic is therefore not just a typical male profession, more and more often, especially in large cities in good quality car repair shops can be given to us by a beautiful woman.
Some, of course, are interested in motoring focused on a specific type of car. American cars, especially those from the sixties and seventies are a real treat for motoring fans. It happens that real enthusiasts have in their garages such old cars kept in great condition.
For true enthusiasts, the perfect weekend is all-day rummaging around your car, repairing, waxing and caring for your daughter.
Parts for cars from the USA are already available very often in the country, in showrooms and stores located in large cities. We can also try to order them online.
Classic motoring has its roots in
Classic motoring has its roots in the United States of America, so it is not surprising that this is where the most famous and one of the most valuable cars for collectors were made. American cars are famous for their powerful engines (at least the classic ones), great design and care for the convenience and comfort of passengers.
Collecting them can be a very interesting hobby not only for motoring fans but also for lovers of holy cinematography, thanks to which some models have gained cult status.
The constantly growing popularity of these cars in Poland also affects the greater availability of parts for cars from the US and not just the vintage ones.
Also, more modern constructions are quite popular among people who value individuality and original style. There are more and more Mustangs and Dodge vehicles on the streets. A trained eye will also see a dozen or so classic Cadilacs serving mainly as limousines for servicing events such as weddings.
This is due to the fact that it is a little harder when it comes to
The cost of bringing a car from the USA to Poland is still quite high. This is due to the fact that the basic price of the vehicle must include at least the cost of customs and transport. Despite this, American cars are becoming more and more popular in Poland. Unfortunately, as it happens with cars, it happens that they break down. Parts for European cars are available almost everywhere. It is slightly more difficult when it comes to parts for cars from the USA. Fortunately, with the increase in demand for American cars is also growing to provide spare parts for them. There are more and more companies on the market that deal with the distribution of car parts from the USA. Before buying in such a company, however, it is worth taking a good look at it, so as to be sure that we buy from a proven, reliable seller who offers us the original product, and not counterfeits imported from Asia. American cars are sometimes a real gem, so it's not worth reducing their quality and the value of poor-quality parts.
Do American cars often break down
Often in various automotive forums, their users search for information on American cars. The main interest is focused on the most popular brands, such as Cadillac or Chevrolet. Their potential buyers want to know if they are cars of good quality and whether parts for cars from the USA are not too expensive.
It all depends on what car brand the car owner will buy. There are brands that are really solid and rarely break down, while some are definitely more emergency.
According to users of the most-read automotive websites, American cars are solid. It is also important that, as a rule, car garages and car stores have parts for American cars, so even if a part breaks down, it will be easy to replace it with a new one. And this means that the operating costs are not excessive. In the absence of access to car parts, the price of repair would increase the need to bring them from abroad, and at the same time would significantly increase the time to repair the car.
It happens because parts you need
There are a lot of cars on our streets. Not all of them were purchased in Poland and in showrooms. Many of them changed ownership at least once, while others were brought from abroad. American cars have their admirers and supporters. This has its justification, not only related to the aesthetics of appearance. Of course, if you own a car, you have to be aware that sometimes you will have to buy car parts. It is worth thinking about it even before you stand against the wall. It happens that parts will have to be imported from abroad or even from another continent. A good example are US car parts. There are repair points specializing in the repair of American cars, but many of them still have to import the right spare parts. Not all can be purchased from wholesalers in Poland. There are also companies that deal with importing such parts from the USA, i.e. they take on the quest and the process of importing them. It's convenience for customers.